On Saturday, July 30, The ECW (Episcopal Church Women) and St. Cecelia’s Guild held their annual yard sale in the fellowship hall of All Saint’s. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of our parishioners, and by noon on Friday the 29th, the hall was so filled with donated household items that we had to put up extra tables to display it all! Saturday’s heatwave sale brought in a stream of browsers, and netted the church several hundred dollars—even with the outside temperature topping 90 degrees. Our volunteers never wavered, though, and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of fellowship and playing matchmaker with the donated treasures and their new owners.
The many items left over were donated to St. Vincent De Paul, Tacoma Rescue Mission and shared with the residents of local Pierce County homeless encampments.
In addition to the sale donations, All Saints’ coordinates school supply donations for Larchmont Elementary School families, food items for Tacoma’s homeless, socks for the homeless during Holy Week, and delivering water to homeless encampments in the midst of Puget Sound’s summer heatwaves.
We are so very grateful for the giving spirits of the All Saints’ family—you continue to make a difference in so many lives.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” — 2 Corinthians 9:7