by Father Jim Warnock
It’s been a good month at All Saints’. We’re developing a very effective ministry with the homeless community, particularly with the Veterans’ Camp at 82nd and Pacific Highway. Several of you have helped provide food for them which we’re continuing to do. Jeffrey reports that 20 people from that Camp now have permanent housing which is a great achievement. It’s working, and we have had a hand in it.
Beyond that, our monthly collection of food for Nourish Pierce County has been very successful. Nourish operates 21 food banks throughout the county. For those of you with computers, their information is available here: Jeffrey Boyce, our deacon candidate, said today that we collected 130 pounds worth of food, a huge amount for a parish of this size.
I think we’ve successfully transitioned to the 9:30 service. We’ve had good attendance, both in the service and following at coffee hour. We’ll continue to alternate Rite I and Rite II liturgies as we go forward.
Canon Arienne Davison visited and preached. She has been a huge help to me as I’ve transitioned into the Diocese of Olympia, and she enjoyed hanging around and talking to people. Her work as Canon to the Ordinary has been impressive, and I expect that she will continue to be an asset for us.
The Bishop’s Committee has been busy. The B.C. authorized a $1500 payment to inspect the portables for the presence of asbestos. This is a necessary step toward their demolition. We authorized $1,100 toward striping the parking lot. This will cover both lots and will generally improve the look of the parish. It will be done by the time you get this newsletter.
And the crowds asked him, “What then shall we do?” And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.” — Luke 3:10-11
The striping is done in partial preparation to begin Safe Parking at our parish. This is a project of the Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness. The basic plan is to offer overnight parking for five cars, beginning in the early evening and ending in the early morning. Several churches in the county offer this service. People have to apply to park, and they must pass a background check.
The city will provide a washing station and porta potty. People who have cars but lack housing tend to be better off than those in street encampments, and we’ll be providing them some basic security while they try to find work and re-enter the housing market. There’s more work to be done here. Please talk to me or Jeffrey if you have any questions.
Having people parked overnight will prevent some of the vandalism we’re seen recently. This applies to the portables and also to the parish hall. Someone in the last few days went into the crawlspace and tore out copper wiring disabling both the stove and the furnace. We reported this to the police and the Church Insurance Company. Repairs will start soon.
As I said, a lot is going on in addition to the above, and it’s good. Please keep this parish in your prayers. We’re doing God’s work.