All Saints’ Collects Winter Coats for Children in Our Community

In the spirit of giving, the congregation of All Saints’ Episcopal Church has come together to help families in need by collecting winter coats for children. With the cold season rapidly approaching, many parents in our community are struggling to cover utility bills, put food on the table, and pay their rent or mortgage. These hardships are increasing to unimaginable levels, driven by inflation and spiking prices for gasoline and basic necessities.
Unfortunately, when families struggle, so do their children. The youngest and most vulnerable in our community bear the brunt of familial budget cutbacks, when their parents are forced to make the choice between food or clothing.
“As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” — Colossians 3:12
At All Saints’, our congregation has opened their hearts and launched a drive to collect new coats to keep local children warm this winter. The result has been overwhelming: a wagon placed in the church was overflowing with jackets for boys and girls, ages 5 to 12. We will be bringing these coats to Larchmont Elementary, where they will be distributed to needy families.
Our warmest thanks go out to the beautiful people at All Saints’ for their love, compassion and giving spirit, and a special thanks to Claudia Parham for her tireless work in coordinating this drive and making sure these coats get into the hands of those children who need them. God bless you all.