Jeffrey Boyce was officially ordained and designated Deacon of All Saints’

On Saturday, October 22nd, at the conclusion of the diocesan convention, three new deacons were ordained: our own Jeffrey Boyce, and Donna Greene and Sheryl Haase from All Saints’ Vancouver. As part of the service, Jeffrey assisted Bishop Rickel in serving communion.
Jeffrey was at St. Andrew’s, Tacoma, when he first heard the calling. He was gratefully supported at his ordination by the Reverend Cannon Ed Sterling, who has been part of Jeffrey’s Discernment team from the beginning.
“Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them.” — Acts 6:3
Jeffrey wishes to express his profound gratitude to All Saints’ for its acceptance and support in this past year. A special thank you to Father Jim Warnock and Kresha for their encouragement, coaching and trusted listening ears.
We at All Saints’ are extremely fortunate the Bishop has designated our mission as the home for our new Deacon, and are excited to be part of this amazing journey in sharing Jeffrey’s calling for years to come.