December 26 (Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2000)

Very probably a Hellenistic Jew, Stephen was one of the “seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom” (Acts 6:3), who were chosen by the apostles to relieve them of the administrative burden of “serving tables and caring for the widows.” By this appointment to assist the apostles, Stephen, the first named of those the New Testament calls “The Seven,” became the first to do what the Church traditionally considers to be the work and ministry of a deacon.
It is apparent that Stephen’s activities involved more than simply “serving tables,” the Acts of the Apostles speaks of his preaching and performing many miracles. These activities led him into conflict with some of the Jews , who accused him of blasphemy, and brought him before the Sanhedrin. His powerful sermon before the Council is reorded in the seventh chapter of Acts. His denunciations of the Sanhedrin so enraged its members that, without a trial, they dragged him out of the city and stoned him to death.
Saul, later called Paul, stood by, consenting to Stephen’s death, but Stephen’s example of steadfast faith in Jesus, and of intercession for his persecutors, was to fiind fruit in the mission and witness of Paul after his conversion. The Christian community of Jerusalem, taking fright at the hostility of the Judean authorities, was scattered; so that for the first time the Gospel of Christ began to spread beyond Jerusalem.