by Father Jim Warnock

As we head into spring (which I’m assured really does begin almost as I write this), I bring good news. The Board of Directors of the Diocese of Olympia at their meeting on March 16 passed a motion to “accept the sales agreement proposed by Louis Randolf Homes, LLC, to purchase the northern portion of both parcels currently owned by the diocese that comprise the campus of All Saints Episcopal Church, Tacoma, for the cash price of $350,000.” This is the north portion of the property just beyond the portables.
I’ve been in touch with Sonia Grunberg, our realtor, who is preparing the relevant documents to finish off this purchase. A few details remain to be worked out, but the major work is done. The money will go to the Diocese where it can be used for the very needed renovations to the Parish Hall and for other things to be determined. The Diocese will authorize what we decide to do. I want to thank Sonia in particular. It was her idea to list the property, which eventually brought this buyer to us. Sonia has been a huge help to us in this process. Louis Randolff Homes is a local builder with several years’ experience. They intend to put up affordable housing which is a good thing for the community. We’ll also be demolishing the portables, hopefully by the end of April.
In other news, Easter is almost here. Palm Sunday is on April 2nd, and we will have palms at the normal service time of 9:30. Holy Week services begin with Maundy Thursday, 5:00 p.m. on Thursday the 6th. This includes the last Mass before Easter Sunday and will be followed by the stripping of the altar. Stations of the Cross will take place on Good Friday at noon. The Good Friday liturgy with the Passion Gospel will follow at 5:00 p.m. On Holy Saturday we put the stripped items back in the church, following a brief prayer service. The time for that will be announced during the week. Holy Week leads to Easter. Our service will be at 9:30, and we will have organ music as Michael Gardner is playing for us. It should be a great day.
You are all in my prayers as we conclude Lent.