by Rev. Dr. Jim Warnock

We’re heading into fall which means, among other things, our stewardship campaign is approaching. This year, some serious discussions will be needed. Lorraine Wilson, our excellent treasurer, has done some analysis of the parish finances. I’ll begin with the good news and thanks! Most of our parishioners complete their pledges every year. This makes for a good budgeting process, and it helps us know what we can expect in income.
Unfortunately, we’ve lost some donors this year. We’ve also lost some income from All Saints’ Goshen, our Kenyan congregation. They had been paying a small monthly rent, but since last year they’ve been mowing the lawn and cleaning the church, tasks we would otherwise have to pay a substantial sum to cover. We’ve eliminated their rent in exchange for them to continue doing these tasks. On balance this is a net positive for our budget. Still, our balance sheet for 2025 could be better. We lost one pledge of $7,200 and a few others are likely to decline. Our costs, factoring in a 4% increase due to inflation, should be around $94,000, up from this year’s budget of $90,149. We anticipated $81,213 for income this year. Next year we’re looking at a drop to $63,000. This deficit would require us to take about $30,000 from the Diocesan Investment Fund.
I’ve been thinking of reducing my hours from half to quarter-time. This would save the parish a bit more than $20,000. Our budget would become much more manageable, and I believe I could
continue to fulfill most of the responsibilities I carry right now. I would continue with Sunday Eucharist, Wednesday Bible study, and assorted meetings. I would remain available for emergencies but cut back in terms of administrative tasks.
There is good news from our prospective buyer. They’re surveying the property, a step toward planning the construction. They will be removing a tree, also necessary for construction, and they’re offering us the wood. They’ve been talking with city officials who’ve informed them that the boundary line adjustment will have to wait until February. They’re trying to speed that up, but they are definitely committed to the sale.
I have great confidence that we will work through these issues and benefit greatly from the property sale. All Saints’ is a fine parish, made so by the people who worship here. It’s a privilege for me and for Kresha to become part of your lives.