by Lorraine Wilson, Treasurer

Beginning February 9, we are restarting our monthly grocery collections for hungry and needy people in the community. Please bring your shelf-stable food, toiletries and pet food to church each second Sunday and the donations will be taken to Saint Leo’s food bank in downtown Tacoma later that week.
Some suggestions for giving:
- Food should not be past its expiration date
- Consider healthy options (whole wheat cereal or pasta, brown rice, low fat, salt or sugar versions of food, etc.)
- Food that can be consumed without cooking or single-serving foods (peanut butter and jelly; granola bars; cereal; tuna and cracker packets; fruit, pasta, ramen or soup cups, etc.) can be good for children (weekend backpacks of food programs) or the homeless
- Public assistance programs can be limited to food items only, while toiletries, hygiene items, and pet food can be expensive and strain people’s budgets
This specific ministry is limited to contributions of groceries. Please find other means of recycling or donating clothes or other items (the Palm Sunday sock-and-other-things drive is just around the corner, April 13th).
Help the Bishop’s Committee with the Weekly Collection Report
This specific ministry is limited to contributions of groceries. Please find other means of recycling or donating clothes or other items (the Palm Sunday sock-and-other-things drive is just around the corner, April 13th).
Each month two members of the Bishop’s Committee team up with the Treasurer to count the collection each Sunday. The time and mental commitments are not too significant, but it does mean being late to coffee hour (the tastiest doughnuts may be gone) or delaying other errands scheduled for after church. The Bishop’s Committee is only six people, and there are 24 slots to fill each year, so each member needs to commit to four months of consistent attendance and possibly getting to coffee hour after the cookies are gone.
Ian Lindsey suggested (and volunteered), and the Bishop’s Committee has agreed that it would be helpful if other members of the congregation would help with this ministry. If you would be willing to serve on a counting team one or more months March 2025 through February 2026, please contact the Treasurer, Lorraine Wilson, at [email protected] or (253) 209-0409. Have in mind a month or months that you could commit to. The intention is to always have at least one Bishop’s Committee member on each monthly team, and the Treasurer is usually there as well.
As the angels always say before something startling happens, “fear not,” there is quick and easy on-the-job training for the collection counting process, and all the supplies needed, including big button calculators, to get the task done.
Please contact Lorraine by Sunday, February 9th. The Bishop’s Committee will be “volunteering” for the remaining slots at their meeting on February 10th.
. —Lorraine Wilson, Treasurer