Quick Historical Overview
The very first Sunday school recorded to have taken place at All Saints’ Mission commenced on February 15, 1890. March 2, 1892 (Ash Wednesday) marked All Saints’ Mission’s establishment, followed by the dedication on June 25, 1893.
The first baptism performed by a Vicar of All Saints’ Mission was on November 13, 1892, by Father Edward Jackson Peacher and assisted by Cecilia Read Powell, at the home of A.R. Mann. On April 9, 1893, six people at the home of Mrs. Vanderhoof participated in the first confirmation class.
Fire destroyed the Sunday school/office building in 1963, and the church itself in 1964. The building which stands on the site now was rebuilt after the fires.
All Saints’ Episcopal Church as we know it today, celebrated it’s first service and baptism on August 1, 1965, and was dedicated September 12, 1965.
All Saints’ Clergy history is as follows:
- Pre 1892—Mr. & Mrs. Edward Powell (not ordained); Mrs. Powell conducted Sunday school
- 1892 to (?)—Mr. A.R. Mann
- (?) to 1951—Visiting clergy from St. Luke’s, St. Peter’s, Trinity, St. Andrew’s, and the Church of the Holy Communion
- 1951 to 1959—the Reverend Douglas Northrop
- 1959 to 1966—the Reverend Stanley G. MacGirvin
- 1966 to 1974—the Reverend William J. Hunter
- 1974 to 1986—the Venerable John B. Winn
- 1986 to 1988—the Reverend Robert McNaul (interim)
- 1988 to 1990—the Reverend Michael S. Taylor
- 1990 to 1992—the Reverend Morris Hauge (interim)
- 1992 to 2017—The Reverend Robert Biever
- 2017 to 2020—the Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Sharp
- 2020 to present—Father Jim Warnock

Through the Generations…
“Things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.”
—Psalm 78:3-4