
Pastoral Message for December

We have just returned from ten days in Ireland, split between Dublin, Belfast and Londonderry. It was interesting to me in part because I had been there in 1977 in the midst of the Troubles. In those days, I was working for Jews for Jesus. The story was that a Catholic bishop, asked when there would be peace in Northern Ireland, replied that it would happen when the Jews came preaching Christ. Well, they came, and I was driving the van for one of the music groups.

Consecration of Samuel Seabury

Samuel Seabury, the first Bishop of the Episcopal Church, was born in Groton, Connecticut, November 30, 1729. After ordination in England in 1753, he was assigned, as a missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, to Christ Church, New Brunswick, New Jersey. In 1757, he became rector of Grace Church, Jamaica, Long Island, and in 1766 rector of St. Peter’s, Westchester County. During the American Revolution, he remained loyal to the British crown, and served as a chaplain in the British army.

Pastoral Message

The exciting news this month is the ordination of Jeffrey Boyce, our deacon. Technically, he’s been our “deacon candidate” since he started here, but now we can drop the descriptor. As authorized by the Bishop, he’s been fulfilling the diaconal role all along. Accordingly, nothing much will change on Sunday mornings, except as an ordained deacon he will wear the dalmatic and stole that comes with the order.

Deacon Jeffrey Boyce’s Ordination

On Saturday, October 22nd, at the conclusion of the diocesan convention, three new deacons were ordained: our own Jeffrey Boyce, and Donna Greene and Sheryl Haase from All Saints’ Vancouver. As part of the service, Jeffrey assisted Bishop Rickel in serving communion.

Coats for Kids

At All Saints’, our congregation has opened their hearts and launched a drive to collect new coats to keep local children warm this winter. The result has been overwhelming: a wagon placed in the church was overflowing with jackets for boys and girls, ages 5 to 12. We will be bringing these coats to Larchmont Elementary, where they will be distributed to needy families.

St. Philip the Deacon and Evangelist

Philip, who has been traditionally referred to as a Deacon and an Evangelist, was one of seven honest men appointed, some sources say ordained, by the apostles to distribute bread and alms to the widows and the poor in Jerusalem.

Pastoral Thoughts

It’s been a good month at All Saints’. We’re developing a very effective ministry with the homeless community, particularly with the Veterans’ Camp at 82nd and Pacific Highway. Several of you have helped provide food for them which we’re continuing to do. Jeffrey reports that 20 people from that Camp now have permanent housing which is a great achievement. It’s working, and we have had a hand in it.

All Saints' Episcopal Church Tacoma Caring for the Homeless

Caring for the Homeless

All Saints’ believes in bringing comfort and love to those who need it most, in the example set for us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are privileged to have Deacon Jeffrey Boyce in our church, who is active in the Bishop’s Homeless Task Force. Jeffrey works closely with homeless advocacy groups and commissions from the local to state level, and is pivotal to All Saints’ mission of compassion and hospitality to the most vulnerable in our community.

All Saints' Episcopal Church Tacoma National Night Out

National Night Out 2022

National Night Out is a celebration of community across America, where neighbors meet neighbors, and neighborhoods celebrate what makes them wonderful places to live. This year, we met in the park on a warm August Saturday, where other diverse groups were also enjoying a day of togetherness, games and socializing. There were hot dogs and delicious potluck for all; it was a beautiful day to get to know each other and meet many new faces…

All Saints' Episcopal Church Tacoma Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale—Nurse, Social Reformer 1910

Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, on May 12, 1820. She was trained as a nurse at Kaiserwerth (1851) and Paris and in 1853 became superintendent of a hospital for in-valid women in London. In response to God’s call and animated by a spirit of service, in 1854 she volunteered for duty during the Crimean War and recruited 38 nurses to join her.